Saving the Diolkos

The diolkos has deteriorated significantly since it was unearthed 50 years ago.  Sofia Loverdou has collected videos and photographs documenting the deterioration, and produced multiple documents designed to expose the neglect of the monument and even (at least in her analysis) criminality of various organizations.  Whatever one thinks about who is at fault, it is clear that the 11,000 ships that sail in and out of the canal every year have caused severe erosion of the banks and the sediments supporting the road.  You can see videos of the effects of the bow waves here on corinthianmatters, or in the numerous videos collected in this youtube channel.  The regular traffic of vessels will continue to erode Sectors A-G until significant investments are made to protect the road.

There’s a campaign afoot to raise concern about the neglect of the road which has assumed the form of a petition letter addressed the prime minister of Greece.  It is a simple petition, the text of which runs:

“We declare ourselves against the mentalities and practices that lead to the destruction of the world’s heritage and we ask the Greek Prime Minister to exercise his authority so that, without any further delays and hypocrisy, the Diolkos is finally saved and restored.”

Nearly 7,800 people have signed it so far.  Join the cause by signing here.